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General Discipline
It is vitally important that changes in residence/office addresses and telephone numbers be communicated in writing to the office immediately when they occur.
The School does not hold itself responsible for injuries sustained by pupil while in the school. However, first aid will be rendered immediately and injuries necessitating Hospital/OPD treatment attended to, without delay.
Pupils are advised not to have private tuitions. Parents are urged to encourage their children to do their daily work diligently and honestly and to pay utmost attention to the studies in the class room. If there be real need for help contact the Principal.
Parents are encouraged to have their children undergo medical examination regularly for general well being, specially dental, eye and ear care.
Parents and/or pupils (individually or collectively) are forbidden to give teachers gifts. Neither parties, nor gift presentations by students or parents on birthdays of students or such occasions are allowed. A token gift of a flower or a sweet may be allowed.
Collection of funds for whatever use is forbidden without prior permission of the Principal. Students shall not sell or take orders for any merchandise in school or in the name of the School.
Pupils are required to behave politely and avoid use of indecent language or actions injurious to the feelings of fellow students, teachers or others in this school. Any such behaviour indicative of hurting others, caste or community will attract serious disciplinary action.
No student shall indulge in any of the following practices namely:
or otherwise damaging any School property;
any form of gambling;
use of drugs or intoxicants, except on ‘prescription by a registered medical practitioner;
rowdyism and rude behaviour;
use of violence in any form;
casteism and communalism;
use of obscene language and/or causing hurt to the modesty of others.
Playing truant during classes is a serious offence.
Serious violation of the rules and regulations and the discipline of the School is punishable including removal or expulsion from School. Such action will normally follow a written warning either as a note to the parents or in the discipline log to allow improvement in conduct.
Immediate exclusion and/or even rustication will follow if the continued presence of the defaulting student is damaging to the physical and moral well-being of other students and of the School, or if the violation is punishable seriously at the Board level, such as unfair practice at the examination.
In the absence of the Teacher from the classroom, pupils are required to observe silence and obey the Monitor of the class. While travelling by School bus, they are expected to follow the instructions of the Conductor.
Fines, which may be deemed necessary to be imposed on the students, are only to improve or to enforce discipline.
Pupils may be required to take part in various co-curricular and extra-curricular activities even outside School hours. When so required, participation will be deemed compulsory.
Staying away from mandatory school functions, including Annual day and Sports Day, without prior permission and/or justification will be considered a discipline default.
Parents are expected to give adequate time to their children to help them in their studies; provide them with a quiet place to study, insist on a homework time free from distraction, check with teachers when assignments or other instructions are not clear; encourage their children to do their best so far as accuracy and neatness are concerned; encourage them to read books at home and to collect material which will help them in their education.
English being the medium of instruction in the School, students must speak English even in their private conversation in the School.
Each student’s safety is a major concern of the School. Therefore the following should be strictly observed.
Students will wear the identity card with the school uniform.
Parents of pre-primary students are required to teach their children their names, address and telephone numbers.
If the child has to go to a place other than the normal one, a note from the parents must be sent to School requesting permission and stating the reason for a child to go to a different address after school.
Students are responsible to school authorities for their conduct not only in the School but also for their general behavior outside. Any report or observed objectionable conduct outside the School on the part of the pupils will make them liable to disciplinary action. It is expected that through their good behaviour they enhance the prestige of the School.
Parents are advised to inform the Principal about any problem they may be facing regarding their children keeping in mind that it is only with sincerity and openness of the parents that the School will be able to help their child to become a well adjusted person and a strong character with right attitudes. Needless to say that disclosures made will be treated with utmost confidentiality.
Students are not allowed to enter classrooms other than their own.
Pupils are strictly forbidden to make purchases from unauthorised dealers in or near the School promises.
A student involved in any incident even outside the School which brings discredit to the Institution either because of unpleasant nature or inviting criminal or legal action by police or the court will be dismissed from school without further enquiry.
Any student found travelling at odd hours with fellow students in a motorised vehicle without parent’s permission and/or without a proper valid licence will be liable for disciplinary action, if this is brought to the notice of the School authorities.
Students as well as parents are reminded that the minimum passing marks in the School are 40% both in the terminal exams as well as in the final promotional exams.
The passing marks in all unit tests is 50%.
Although the conservation of our environment is fundamental, it is also equally decent that applications made to the Principal or the School Office be done in a decent sheet of paper. Applications submitted to the office or to the Principal inappropriately will not be considered.
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